High School PTSA

The Annual Highlander Tea

Reflections Art Program


The 2024-2025 theme is Accepting Imperfection

It’s time to start creating Art through the Reflections Art Program! Start by REFLECTING on the theme. CREATING art. Then, BE RECOGNIZED! 

Reflections is one of few nation-wide art programs offering students an opportunity to explore their artistic talents and express themselves through ART. Students are encouraged to submit original works of art in one or more of the following categories: GET NEW RULES

Entries will have the opportunity to advance from the local level, to state, and to the national level.  Please submit your Unit’s Digital Award of Excellence entries to the District Office NO LATER THAN 5PM November 10, 2024.  Winning Visual Art and Photography pieces will be needed by December 5, 2024 to move on to the State level.

DEADLINE to submit: SUNDAY, NOVRMBER 10, 2024 

The Top 2 winners per category will be submitted for PTA Reflections 31st District judging.

All entries will be displayed at the Reflections Gala (TBD Spring 2025) and winners in categories of Dance Choreography, Film Production and Musical Composition will be invited to perform at the Gala.

First page of the PDF file: PTSA-Reflections-Flyer

Explore the sections below for more information

How to enter

Need Inspiration?

Judging Criteria

Prizes and Recognition


1. Read the Rules.

 2. Create a new and ORIGINAL artwork inspired by this year’s theme.

3. Add your “Artistic Statement” to share your inspiration and how it relates to the theme.

 3. Complete the Digital Student Entry Form  at your School’s PTA level (each submission must be the work of only ONE student although others may appear within the work).

4. Submit art (according to the rules for its specific category) and your Student Entry Form by your School’s and District’s deadline - There is no limit to the number of entries per child. 

5. Be recognized for your participation!

Need more help?

Email your questions to GHCHSReflections@gmail.com

Senior Events

For information regarding GradNite and other senior activities, visit the School's Seniors page

Grad Nite is sponsored by the GHC High School PTSA and is NOT a GHC-sponsored event.

For questions, please contact PTSA Grad Nite representative, Ira, at ira@fosterparents.com.

First page of the PDF file: GHC-Parent-Resource-PTSA-High-School-Report-of-the-Nominating-Committee