Parent Locker Messages Explained
The following messages are potentially what students will see on their Parent Locker. After each message is a brief explanation of each message, including next steps the student must complete in order to enter campus safely.
Note: Any student who has a RED check on their Parent Locker MUST proceed to Highlander Hall, regardless of vaccination status.
Close Contact Notice
“You have been identified as a 'close contact' to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. If you are vaccinated and have no symptoms, you may return to school. Please have proof of vaccination to show before you are allowed on campus. If you are NOT fully vaccinated, you are not permitted on campus and must quarantine for ten days. This ten day quarantine period will end on August 30. However, unvaccinated students who have no symptoms may return after seven days if they test negative. Please report to Highlander Hall on August 27 for a COVID test. If this test is negative, you may return to school that day. Please refer to the email sent for more information or contact the Nurse at 818-360-2361 ext 389.”
What this message means & next steps
An individual in one of their classes has tested positive, and they are either seated near them in class or had close contact as determined by contact tracing.
If they are vaccinated, we do not have this record on file and we need to update it - they can show proof inside HHL.
If they are not vaccinated, they will need to quarantine for the dates listed in the message.
Students who need to quarantine should call home to arrange pickup.
All contacts will have received an email indicating this, and they will also receive and email on how to get academic support while off campus
Potential Close Contact Notice
“Contact tracing indicates that you MAY have been exposed to Covid-19 while in attendance at school. Please report to Highlander Hall at 7:30 a.m. (7:00 a.m. if you have a period 0 class) for a rapid antigen test or if FULLY vaccinated, bring proof of vaccination before reporting to class.”
What this message means & next steps
An individual in one of their classes has tested positive, but we are unable to determine if they are a close contact due to inaccurate seating charts or missing information.
These students will check in at HHL and either present their proof of vaccination or complete a rapid test before going to class.
Inconclusive Test Results Notice
“Your most recent COVID-19 test was inconclusive and you will need to retest before proceeding to class. Please report to Highlander Hall to retest and receive a rapid test. Once this test is completed, you will report to class.”
What this message means & next steps
Weekly PCR test on Thursday is incomplete or a “bad sample.”
Students will complete a rapid test before going to class and records are updated in eSchool.
Previous Close Contact but Cleared to Return to Campus
“ATTENTION: If student has no symptoms, they are cleared to enter campus. Treat this message as a green checkmark if no symptoms are present. For questions, please call the nurse at 818-360-2361 ext 389.”
What this message means & next steps
Student was identified as a close contact, but they have proof of vaccination and should monitor for symptoms of COVID for 14 days.
They receive this message daily until the observation period is over.
If they have no symptoms, they can report to class.
Answered “Yes” to one of the following questions:
“The information in your submission suggests STUDENT NAME is not feeling well, or may have potentially been exposed to coronavirus (COVID-19). To ensure the safety of our students and staff, please do not come to school today. We recommend that you check in with your doctor. Please contact the nurse at 818-360-2361 x389 or via email at”
What this message means & next steps
The school did not block the student - they answered one of the following questions “yes.”
If they were in a class with a student who tested positive, they may answer the last question “yes,” but if there are no other close contacts outside school, they are cleared to enter.
If the answer is “yes” to another question, they should see the nurse.
Screening Questions Students Must Answer
Have you experienced any of the following symptoms in the last 24 hours: Fever of 100_4°F or above, Persistent cough, Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, Chills, New excessive fatigue, Muscle ache, New onset of headache, Sore throat, Congestion, Runny nose, Diarrhea, vomiting or abdominal pain, New loss of taste or smell?
Is anyone in your household experiencing any of the above COVID-19 symptoms?
Have you tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
Has anyone in your household tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
Have you been in close contact (within 6 feet for at least 15 minutes) in the past 14 days with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or who has or had symptoms of COVID-19?